Wednesday, October 14, 2009

M.V. let off easy for a serious crime?!

If I were to choose someone to get kicked off the island, or out of the public eye in other words, I would choose Michael Vick. He is an image of how famous individuals who commit serious crimes get let off easy. He was a leader of a big dog fighting ring, where he would raise and fight innocent dogs, mainly pit-bulls. Who can seriously enjoy such a depressing scene of dogs fighting, and what are the dogs even fighting for? A real meal if they win? A beating by a tougher dog and an angry owner if they lose? Pit-bulls already have such a bad reputation for being aggressive, and he is just giving more proof of this. In reality though pit-bulls only want to please their owner, and most have very sweet, loving temperaments when raised in a good environment. Even after his dogs were abused, almost all of them, after some work, ended up being good family dogs. I believe there were only two who were too aggressive to be adopted.

Michael Vick on the other hand is a loser, and a sore sight for an athlete and public image. He only served 18 months of his 23 month sentence. He was just recently released and has already signed up as Nike's spokesman, as well as getting his on television show on BET?! How can they let this criminal off so easy? This slap on the wrists, I believe, has not changed him one bit. Who knows, he could just end up right back where he was before, doing the same acts of animal cruelty. On his side of the argument, he is apparently enlisted with the Humane Society to help end dogfighting, and prevent youths from engaging in it. Where's the evidence is what I, and any animal lover, wants to know. He is probably just fooling the media, being a sly fox and using his publicity to benefit him in any way. It is a disgrace that he is being allowed in the media after what he did, a criminal who has not changed, and most likely will not. How can media people look past what he did with such ease, and basically give him rewards for his crimes?

What led me to my decision on this warrant is for one he is a bad role model for children and teenagers, since he is a criminal now. It shows that the famous athletes can get away with what they want. Another aspect of my decision is if we let one famous individual off easy for such a terrible crime, then other famous individuals, who commit illegal activities, will most likely be let off easy as well. This is an excellent example of how lawsuits that include the famous are usually viewed as above the law in some aspects. No one is above the law, especially not Michael Vick, and this just goes to show that courts are swayed by the famous. He needs to be kicked out of the public's view, because it is a privilege, not a right, and he committed a serious crime and should pay some serious consequences!


  1. I can't write a long comment on this one. I feel the exact same way, it's not right.

  2. Some additional information is that there was just a supreme court hearing on Oct. 6 on the issue of animal cruelty, mainly dog fighting. An individual by the name of Steven's was selling videos of dog fights, and was then arrested and has so far served a longer sentence for selling these videos, than mike did for running a ring. Steven's believes that his first amendment rights are being violated, with freedom of speech and expression. It's absurd how he could even think that the first amendment would protect his acts of animal cruelty and providing videos of it to others. On the good side, at least there is finally a first impression in court hearings dealing with animal cruelty.

  3. I too, have been appalled at a criminal whose victims cannot defend themselves (I mean they are innocent and just try to please) has a multi-million dollar contract to continue playing professional football. What's up with this? I mean if he had been caught trafficking drugs or producing child-porn would he have also gotten out of jail to play professional football. What does this mean to all the youth who is trying to do things right in hopes that they also could get a college scholarship through a sport or the fortune that playing professional sports could entail? I have been appalled at this since day one, and I would even consider boycotting the team he plays for and anyone who sponsors him.

  4. Oh, by the way the photo of the poor dog after a fight is heart-breaking.

  5. Josefina, I agree, and I think I will boycott everything that he is involved in. It's funny how players who have drugs problems, or are into something else illegal, get kicked out of NFL, but since he only abused animals, he only got a 2 day suspension. I saw a study that showed those who abuse animals, usually are committing domestic acts of violence as well.

    and the picture is actually one of the real dogs and its injuries that Michael Vick had.

  6. I agree with your post, I have been around dogs my whole life, one the the nicest dogs I know is a pit bull. It is not the breed that is bad, it is the owners who make them that way. I come from a culture where dog fights, roster fights and basically any other animal fight is normal. To me those fights are like putting two babies in a ring and seeing who wins. They don't know right from wrong until they are taught. As for Michael Vick, I agree he got a slap on the wrist like everyone else that has money. In front of every court there is a statue of "Blind Justice" holding a balance. She might be blind but she can sure smell money. Anyone who has money can get away with anything, Michael Vick is one of those people.

  7. I agree on all the points you made. I was aware of the things he was doing , but not the details, as a fan of him on the field I am terribly sadened to know it was really that bad. I have had pets my whole life and could not imagine doing such things.

  8. I personally believe that Michael Vick should have been imprisoned for life. It is so unfortunate that many people do not recognize dogs as being intelligent or even a living creature. Sure people know they eat, drink, breath and so on, but they do not realize that dogs feel emotion and physical pain the same way people do. Therefore killing a dog is practically as bad as killing a human in my eyes. Michael Vick not only hosted the rings, he was also often responsible for killing the dogs that lost the fights. I myself find it unbelievable that a man who killed 10s or 100s of dogs managed to only get a 2 year sentence. To me, it just shows humanities lack of care for other living things besides themselves.

  9. Great choice!! what he did was really wrong and disgusting. It really is sad how famous people are always let off easy. Paris hilton, lil Kim, Martha Stewart, all examples of famous people let off easy for there actions.

  10. You are very passionate about this issue Kristen. I hope that you will pursue your dream of becoming an animal rights lawyer!
