Thursday, September 24, 2009

Animal Abuse

Animal abuse. This is what has lead me to my career goal, to become an Animal Lawyer. I want to be able to protect animals from the people who torture and abuse animals for fun, such as those who do pitbull fighting. There are all sorts of animal abuse, ranging from abuse of house hold pets, abuse of animals in slaughterhouses, and to animals being used for research. Animals are not able to speak for themselves, and it seems that some people take this to their advantage.
It seems that governments and law force agencies aren't doing enough to stop the abuse of animals, as there are still so many cases everyday. One thing that really upsets me is the punishment given to people who were found guilty of animal abuse. Their sentencing usually is only a fine, and with some severe cases a couple months to two years in jail. Even when they have murdered an innocent creature, they seem to get off easy, but if found guilty of murdering a human they are incarcerated for life. How is murdering a human being much different from murdering an animal? They have the same feelings as humans, most have given to our community in some way or another, or at least their ancestors have.
Eating meat is a part of our American culture, but the way animals are treated in slaughterhouses before being lead to their death is unethical. You can see video's of chickens being jammed packed in wire cages, horses and cattle being beaten, swine being crammed in cages unable to turn around and be comfortable. How can humans treat anything with a living soul this way, is it good to feel in control of something?
Animals deserve the same rights as any human. Obviously they cannot do some of the same things as us, but that is no excuse for any of them to be treated badly. They deserve respect, and if someone cannot give that, then they have no right to even be near an animal. I hope to one day be able to speak for those that cannot speak for themselves, give them a voice in this world that seems to be letting them down.


  1. Hi Kristen,

    When I read your posting on animal abuse, right away I thought about my cat. I agree with you that the goverenment are not doing enough to keep people who are abusing animals.Animals cannot talk. So people are likely to take advange of them. I feel sorry for those animals who have to die suffering. I love the image you have in the beginning of your post. It is a good example of animal abuse. I also agree that animals should deserve the same rights as human. There are many laws on child abuse. Why not animals? Goob Job!

  2. When I win the lottery I'm going to open my own shelter. I agree, there is no justice when it comes to animal rights. It's ashame that someone like mike vick can be found guilty of everything he did and suffer nothing more than a very short jail sentance and a two game suspension.

  3. You chose a very powerful image. As a pet ownder I can't imagine doing anything harsh to my dog, and I don't understand how people can act that way. I'm glad you chose this image because it highlights how passionate you are about the issue.

  4. great post,i think animals should be treated better too because they are sweet like that.But when you say "Animals deserve the same rights as any human" do you mean they shouldnt even be farmed? because there will be no kind of meat in the market if so.

  5. First, I want to say I think it is pretty cool that you want to be an animal lawyer. Also i agree they should do more, they did lock micheal vick up for a year, but they never went after the other people in the dogfighting incidences.

  6. I understand what you are saying I have a pet cat, whenever I read or hear about animal abuse. I always wonder why that person was thinking, it bothers me...just why. The animal victim didn't even do anything to deserve torture. Humans should be treated the same way animals are treated, walk a mile in their shoes.

  7. Wow what a powerful image..It really gives you a rush of emotions. Those animals look so cute and innocent, and to think that anyone would do those horrible things to them is so sad. There are alot of sick people who torture animals for fun and I think it's awesome that you want to "speak for those who cannot speak for themselves."

  8. I also agree that many people treat animals as if they werent living. I do not understand how someone can live with themselves after knowing that they have caused so much hurt to a living creature. For instance, I have seen so many occasions in which deer have been hit by cars and left on the road to die. When I hit a deer the other night, I turned around and made sure that it was alright. Fortunately it wasnt hurt and ran off into the woods. Even after knowing it was not hurt, I still felt terrible that I hit it. I guess some people do not recognize animals as creatures with feelings.

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