Friday, September 11, 2009

You cannot see what you are not looking for! -Kristen

If I was to create a bumber sticker that modeled my philosphy on life, it would be this lyric I got from a song, "You cannot see what you are not looking for." When I heard this lyric during the song, it really caught my attention. I had never put much thought into what it had meant before, not until I heard it on that one day that was not going right.
What this lyric means to me is that life is so full of new experiences, most that you cannot see if you are not looking for it. If you are not open to going out with friends and having a good time, then you are not looking for what fun might come out of it. I realize now things that I missed out on because I was only looking for one certain thing, and since I could not find it I moped around instead of truly doing something about it.
Everyone is looking for something or another throughout life, whether it be happiness, romance, thrills, or something. Some people get so focused on looking for that one thing in only one way. They need to learn to open up and see that being open to new experiences and people could eventually bring along exactly what they are looking for. This was true for me before, but now I have realized to let things just happen, and that what I am looking for will come around in it's own time. I am no longer looking, I am living my life.


  1. your quote makes me think of the idea of living life in the present and not worrying about the past or future...just simply living your life and keeping an open mind.

  2. I agree, it's good to keep an open mind about things. If your not open to things you might miss out on life altering experiences.

  3. There are so many things out there that sometimes it is very hard to see what is sitting right in front of you. I agree with you keeping an open mind will let more things come in and eventually find many surprising experiences.

  4. Very true or they get to caught up in their love life or whatever.

  5. This philosophy makes sense, when we search for what is not there, we expose ourselves to new experiences.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This is true, it's hard not to focus on one thing in particular and miss important things happening around you.

  8. If you are looking for something to go wrong, you won't see anything go right

  9. Great motto, life is full of surprises and you have to be paying attention to notice them

  10. Hi Kristen,
    I love your moto. I usually find myself realizing i've missed something because I was focused on something else. I then regret blinding myself to other things out there in life.

  11. That's true,keeping an open mind exposes someone to more options in life.

  12. I am happy that you pointed this out! its an excellent model to live by!

  13. I like your philosophy, it is going to help me become a little more open minded to new experiences. Thanks!


  14. I agree with you. Life is something that you can not predict, but depends on how you portrays, life can be beautiful
